Attorney at Law


Request a Free Consultation.


Tell me about your legal needs. Please be as detailed as possible, but do not include confidential or sensitive information in your message.

Please note: A free initial consultation is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes over the phone. A personal meeting may be required to discuss your matter in more detail and will require the payment of a consultation fee. Office visits by appointment only.

In the event that we are representing a party with opposing interests to your own, we may have a duty to disclose any information you provide to our client. Your communications with me through a website, email, phone or text does not, by itself, establish an attorney / client relationship. Please do not send any documents to me to review until after we have discussed your case and you have actually signed an engagement agreement with me describing the fees I charge, the scope of work I will provide, and the payment of a retainer.

The law has strict deadlines for filing claims and preserving your legal rights. I have not agreed to represent you in any matter and you have not retained me to file any claim or preserve any rights until you have signed my engagement agreement and paid a retainer fee. You should hire an attorney for advice regarding deadlines for your individual situation and to preserve your rights.